I'm excited you're interested in coaching youth basketball! You're going to love it!
Whether it's coaching your own child one-on-one out in your driveway or working with a little league team, you'll get a lot of satisfaction as you see the kids gain new skills they didn't have before.
Photo: Some rights reserved by mikecogh
There's nothing like the smiles on those little faces when they have success performing brand new skills that you taught them!
If you're new to the whole kids basketball thing or maybe to youth sports in general, I want to share 10 tips for coaching youth basketball I've learned through my experience working with young athletes.
Though certainly not all-inclusive, these observations will help you relate well with your players and help them to perform at their best.
And I think you'll find these fundamental principles apply across most sports.
Before hitting the court for your first organized practice, check out some of the links below. You'll find tips guaranteed to help you conduct training sessions that are efficient, age and skill level appropriate, and that both you and your players will enjoy.
10 Workout Tips to Get You Started
15 Tips for Running an Effective Practice
Coaching Kids Basketball #1 Rule
How to Prevent Athlete Burnout
Youth Basketball Practice Plans
Fun Youth Basketball Drills & Games
The goal of this website is to equip you, parents and coaches, with the tools and knowledge you need to teach kids how to play basketball.
For parents just wanting to work with your own kids, you'll find many drills that can be performed with as few as 1-3 people and little equipment.
For those of you who may find yourselves coaching your son's or daughter's youth basketball team, you'll find drills for larger groups as well.
Keep in mind that if you're working with really young players, like kindergarten or early elementary school age, you may need to modify some of the basketball drills and concepts to fit their developmental level.
Want to ensure your kids have a positive experience with the game?