The Complete Youth Basketball Player

youth basketball

I was excited when my 3rd-grader told me she wanted to join a youth basketball league. She had already tested out soccer, softball, and volleyball with great success, and I was thrilled she was now interested in hoops.

Basketball was my passion.

I played through college and then spent a few decades coaching kids at all levels from kindergartners to NCAA scholarship athletes. 

I was excited because I knew with my playing and coaching experience I would be able to help her develop her skills. And if she grew to love the game, I knew I had the tools to take her as far as she wanted to go.

It didn't take long when her first youth basketball season tipped off to realize I had entered uncharted waters.

I was now experiencing the game from a totally new and unfamiliar perspective…from the stands as a parent.

It's not the same youth basketball I played.

I learned quickly that times had changed since I first laced up my high tops in the '70s. 

  • Parenting had changed.
  • Youth sports opportunities had exploded for boys and girls as early as pre-K. 
  • Year-round competition had become the norm for many young athletes. 
  • Parents were finding themselves stretched thin balancing all of the demands of their children's sports activities. 
  • Athletes were feeling the pressure at a very young age to pursue that elusive college scholarship.
  • Youngsters were dropping out of sports prematurely because of burnout.

Reality check

So, here's a dose of reality that must be said from the outset.

Only a small percentage of youth basketball players advance to play high school basketball...

...A small percentage of those varsity players continue to play college ball...

...And of those college athletes, a much smaller percentage advances to the NBA or WNBA.

The chances of your child playing for many years are slim. So while they play, remember youth basketball should be FUN. 

And while the focus on winning will come, at the earliest introductory stages the focus must be on basic skill development.

At Youth Hoops 101, we've brought over 30 years of coaching and playing experience with one goal in mind:

Helping young players learn the skills to experience


on the basketball court and off

So, parents, this website is for you.

If you've got a youngster interested in little league hoops, you may feel a bit overwhelmed or maybe unsure about the whole thing. 

If so, no worries, you're in good company. Many parents, just like you, have lots of questions.

You can find answers within these pages.

And coaches, this website is for you.

Were you the brave parent who stepped up and volunteered to coach your child's team? And you find yourself thinking, "Now what?"

Or maybe you've got some coaching experience under your belt, but you could use a little assistance.

Perhaps you need information about running effective practices. It's likely you could also use some training drills, fun games, and coaching tips to help you teach those important fundamental skills. 

But, before we go any farther, I want to say thanks!

Coaching kids basketball takes time, energy, and commitment. Please know that through your efforts you have an awesome opportunity to impact the lives of young kids in a very positive way; there's something special about the unique relationship between players and coaches. 

So, whatever brings you here, welcome to your complete youth hoops source.

Find the information you need to ensure your young players learn how to play basketball and improve themselves as players no matter what level of experience or skill they bring to the game. 

It's time to hit the court! 

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Coming soon

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