The Don Eddy Basketball Camp is a unique camp experience that gives boys and girls ages 8-18 the opportunity to improve their shooting and 1-on-1 games while developing spiritually at the same time.
They mostly operate basketball camps in Texas, but they offer a few camps in a couple of other states as well.
The mission of Don Eddy Youth Basketball Camps is pretty unique:
"To have every student know that this has been a significant week in their life; that it has made a difference in them as a basketball player and as a person. That they have gained the tools that give them a better chance to reach or even exceed their basketball goals while at the same time getting a clearer picture of the life that God has called them to live. That their life will make a difference!"
Want to see what else makes Don Eddy Basketball Camps so popular?
Shooting, ball handling, and 1-on-1 moves. These foundational skills are the focus of Don Eddy camps. Using sound, teachable systems they've used for over 30 years, the ultimate goal is to teach players how to coach themselves. All campers take home with them drills and tips they can use to improve their game.
They've got their teaching system refined to an art. Every camp follows a preset curriculum which assures continuity in the progression in which skills are taught. Every gym has a "Master Teacher" that explains and demonstrates each skill and situation before it is practiced in small groups at each basket.
I've seen from firsthand experience how caring, positive, and demanding the coaching staff is. Young people see how learning, hard work, and enjoyment can go hand in hand. I believe the coaches foster an environment that allows campers to feel a connection and relationship with them.
If you're a coach who thinks you would fit in with their coaching philosophy, they are always looking to hire coaches for their youth basketball camps. Contact them directly for more information.
Watching is a huge part of skill development. Seeing skills performed properly is how we learn what they should look like. The Don Eddy basketball camp selects quality individuals who have graduated high school and have been through their camps as demonstrators to show players how to consistently perform skills with proper form.
Camps are staffed so there is roughly 1 coach for every 10 players. That's a good ratio and allows for individual attention, personal instruction on the court, and plenty of supervision off the court.
See what hundreds of campers around the country have said about their camp experience.
I had the opportunity to work as a coach at one of Don Eddy's summer basketball camps early in my coaching career. It was a great experience, and I can personally vouch for everything the camp claims to be.
The schedule was rigorous, and players did indeed have the opportunity to really improve their shooting and 1-on-1 offensive skills in a very positive environment.
Register for Don Eddy Basketball Camp
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