Kenny Smith Basketball Camp

Kenny Smith Basketball Camp

At the Kenny Smith Basketball Camp, players have the unique opportunity to learn firsthand from one of the NBA's greatest point guards!

The Kenny Smith summer youth basketball camps are exciting fundamental skills camps for boys and girls of all skill levels from 8-17 years of age.

Kenny Smith, a 10-year NBA veteran and 2-time Houston Rocket NBA World Championship player, conducts the daily schedule of activities and provides on-the-court instruction and demonstrations.

Unlike other camps where NBA players may only drop by for a quick visit or photo op, Kenny attends his camp everyday and interacts with the players. It is part of his commitment to provide a positive role model and leadership to young people.

The camp's mission is developing fundamental basketball skills. Campers learn ball handling, triple threat, post moves, rebounding, court spacing, passing, defensive keys, team offense and defense, sportsmanship, and team concepts.

The importance of maintaining a positive attitude, staying in school, and saying no to drugs and alcohol is also emphasized.

Regardless of skill or experience level, players will find drills appropriate for them. Basic drills are the same for all skill levels, but players with more ability are given higher-level drills and ball handling moves.

Highlights of the camp include:

  • Lectures from NBA players - 3 NBA speakers are scheduled to attend each year
  • Basketball stations - focusing on the fundamentals
  • Games - Full court games along with team practices 
  • Basketball contests - Free Throws, 1-on-1, Knockout
  • Awards ceremony
  • Photo/autograph opportunities
  • Opportunity for campers to interact with professional athletes, community leaders, top AAU players, and outstanding college and high school coaches
  • Learn from and get to know University of North Carolina mens' and women's basketball players 
  • Experience the college atmosphere by staying on the UNC campus
  • Banquet for campers honoring sponsors of Kenny's non-profit, Aim High Foundation, along with accomplished players from past and present
Kenny Smith: Houston Rockets

Learn from one of the greatest players ever to wear the North Carolina Tar Heel uniform by attending a Kenny Smith Basketball Camp.

And if you, too, are a Tar Heel fan check out a UNC basketball camp.

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