Basketball Court Size for NCAA, NBA, WNBA & FIBA Leagues

Curious how the basketball court size and dimensions compare for professional, collegiate, and international leagues? Find free basketball court diagrams with markings for each level of competition.

Composite basketball court diagram

The diagram below is a composite, comparing NBA, NCAA, & FIBA basketball court dimensions.

Basketball courts
  • Top half of the diagram illustrates FIBA and NBA markings 
  • Bottom half of the diagram illustrates NBA and NCAA (men & women) markings
  • References: FIBA 2010 rules, NBA 2007-08 rules, NCAA 2008 rules

Compare basketball court sizes

The standard hoops court is a rectangle 94 feet by 50 feet. However, check out the table below to see how the court dimensions compare for:

  • College - NCAA (men) vs. NCAA (women)
  • Pro - NBA (men) vs. WNBA (women)
  • International - FIBA
Court length94'94'94'94'91.86'
Court width50'50'50'50'49.21'
Rim height10'10'10'10'10'
Restricted area
(from basket)
Center circle diameter12'12'12'12'11.81'
3-pt line*20'9"19'9"23'9"22'13.25"22.15'
Key width12'12'16'16'19.69'
Free throw line
(from backboard)


NBA 3-pt line: Arc starts at baseline 3' from sideline and peaks at 23' 9" from basket center. Line measures 22' at the point directly to the left and right of basket center. 

WNBA 3-pt line: Parallel lines 36" from the sidelines extend 63" from baseline to arc  22' 13.25" from basket center. 

Basketball Court Size
NBA court diagram

Basketball Court Size
WNBA court diagram

Find a WNBA basketball court in the Women's National Basketball Association Official Rules.

Basketball Court Size
NCAA court diagram

Find a basketball court with dimensions for NCAA men and women.

Basketball Court Size
FIBA court diagram

Basketball court dimensions 2010

Basketball Court Size
High school & younger

A court this size isn't appropriate for younger players, so regulations for youth, middle school, and high school leagues include courts that are shorter and narrower.

Other modifications include a shorter 3-pt distance and, for the youngest players, the free throw line distance and rim height may be decreased as well.

Learn more about high school, jr. high, and youth basketball court dimensions.

Related topics

Don't know what all those lines and markings on the court mean?

If you need basketball court diagrams, check out our selection of free, downloadable pictures with and without court dimensions. Choose between full-court and half-court layouts.

The size of the court is not the only difference between the college, professional, and international rules. Check out our official basketball rules page to see how the games differ in other areas.

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